i can’t breath…

D: Meredith!
M: Leave me alone!
D: Meredith!
M: Just leave me alone!
D: I just wanna make sure you’re alright
M: No, I’m not! I’m not alright! Are you satisfield? I’m not alright, because you have a wife and you called me a whore and our dog died. And now you’re looking at me, stop looking at me!
D: I’m not looking at you….I’m not looking at you!
M: You are looking at me and you watch me. And Finn has plans! And I like Finn, he’s perfect for me! And I’m really trying here to be happy and I can’t breath, I can’t breath with you’re looking at me like that, so just stop!
D: You think I wanna look at you? That I wouldn’t be rather to look at my wife? I’m married, I have responsabilities!She….she doesn’t drive me crazy, she doesn’t make it impossible to me to feel normal, she doesn’t make me sick to my stomach thinking of my veterian touching her with his hands! Man, I would give anything not to be looking at you!

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12 risposte a i can’t breath…

  1. meno male che io sto al fresco….
    sti post si fanno a gennaio, no a luglio…

    oh (sospiro!!) dott. stranamore!!!

  2. Anna ha detto:

    Da pelle d’oca..

  3. mikayla ha detto:

    io pure non riuscirei a respirare se Derek mi guardasse in quel modo…mi manca Grey’s Anatomy!!!!!!

  4. jojo ha detto:

    Stupendo!!!!…. quando ricomincia? 😉

  5. Bleek ha detto:

    Già visto 😉

  6. Bleek ha detto:

    Già visto 😉

  7. Bleek ha detto:

    Già visto 😉

  8. maf ha detto:

    ..attenta che poi ci sono delle evoluzioni..

  9. gigia ha detto:

    mi fa impazzire
    mi fa impazzire
    mi fa impazzire
    ciao tesoro…

  10. La Presidente ha detto:

    Fa piacere sapere di nn essere sola!!!! finita la terza serie..sono in crisi e a quanto pare la 4° serie nn arriverà prima di primavera 2008!!! e nel frattempo che faccio? io mi farei lui..ma sono troppo impegnata perora..dovrà attendere…:P

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